(Não consigo incorporar o link do vídeo aqui porque está protegido..mas vejam na mesma!)
Porque são pessoas como esta senhora que me fazem acreditar que tudo é possível. Com 47 anos, Susan Boyle subiu ao palco e impressionou todos com a sua fantástica voz. Vale mesmo a pena ver o vídeo..a primeira vez que o vi até fiquei emocionada..E já o vi não sei quantas vezes..
A música é "I dreamed a dream" dos Les Miserables, deixo aqui a letra para quem quiser acompanhar:
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high,
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid
When dreams were made and used,
And wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung,
No wine untasted.
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hopes apart
As they turn your dreams to shame.
And still I dream he'll come to me
And we will live our lives together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms
We cannot weather...
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seems
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed.